February 24, 2018
A YOGA, MEDITATION & CREATIVITY WORKSHOP If your new year’s resolutions are losing steam and you’d like to set yourself on a visionary path for your life, this workshop is for you!
February 24, 2018
A YOGA, MEDITATION & CREATIVITY WORKSHOP If your new year’s resolutions are losing steam and you’d like to set yourself on a visionary path for your life, this workshop is for you!
February 23, 2018
What is your True Self? How do you slow down and live your life with more meaning and purpose? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdFoZOO6JWY
October 17, 2017
How do I respond to criticism? Critically. I listen to all criticism critically. -Paul Thomas Anderson Early in my professional career as an actor, a friend came to see my show. Unsolicited, he commented afterwards that he didn’t think I… Continue Reading…
September 19, 2017
It is never too late to be what you might have been. – George Eliot Sometimes life can feel relentlessly mundane and soul-sucking. You find yourself stuck in traffic yet again. You scan through a pile of emails listlessly…… Continue Reading…
October 2, 2014
Creativity can be a conundrum and inspiration fickle. Creative blocks can sneak in stealthily or topple you brutally like running into a glass door. Greg Levin, in his blog Continuing To Create When Not Feeling Continuously Creative, speaks from his… Continue Reading…
August 29, 2014
In my conversations with people from many walks of life, I have heard over and over such statements as I’m just not creative or I’m not the creative type, which says more about the judgment these people hold around their… Continue Reading…
June 3, 2014
Many of us are accustomed to telling ourselves we will finish our novel, or finally put our art show together, or address our performance anxiety when things are calmer or any of the sundry reasons we generate that keeps us… Continue Reading…
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